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山东鲁南国力建筑安装工程有限公司是在原市直企业“山东鲁南建筑安装公司”的基础上,经市体改委批准,股份制改制而来,成为山东南部较大的建安施工企业,公司注册资本金2300万元,有职工4319人,其中获得高、中初级职称的工程、经济、会计、统计等专业技术人员210人,二级建造师16人。公司于2005年5月通过iso9002国际质量体系认证,2008年12月通过环境体系认证、职业健康体系认证。2007年被山东省信誉评级委员会及山东省信誉评级有限公司评委“aaa”信誉等级。 公司下设第一分公司、维建分公司、龙振分公司、机械化施工分公司、大坞分公司、西岗分公司、东郭分公司、城头安建分公司八个分公司,是集建筑施工、机电设备安装、钢结构、防腐保温、地基与基础、土石方、道路桥梁、市政公用工程施工为一体的综合性施工企业。 本公司将一如既往、严守“质量第一、信誉至上、服务用户、奉献社会”的经营宗旨,为社会提供高速优质的建筑工程。 shandong lunan guoli construction installation englineeringco.,ltd.is a larger building installation enterprise in south of shandong. which is changede through sharesystem approved by municiple economic system innovation committee based on former. shandong lunan building installation company. the registered capital is 23 million yuan.there are workers 4319 persons.among them,any kinds of technians 210 persons and special technique workers 2000 persons. there are any kinds of construction equipment over 300 pieces. we can finish over 200 million yuan job every year. the company has many branches. through enhancing the enterprise innovation, establishing full market management system. improving every kindsof management police, we get is09001 international quality system in 2005.getting the provincial unit honoring the credit and advancedworking enterprise many times. the company is an integrated construction enterprise with exploration, basement, constructionworking, steel structure, equipment installation. iuxuary decoration as a whole. we have rich experience for high layer building.in working,we useadvanced technique to ensure the quality of engineering and reduce the cost of engineering to win the content of clients. our company will continuously insist the management priciple of quality first, credit top. service clients and contribute the society. we provide fast and high quality building engineering for you. // window.onload=fucname;//表示当网页完全加载成功后才执行这个方法 // function fucname()// { var opid='090607000021';listreload("comment","/web/getnewscomment.aspx?opid="+opid+"&rndaa=" + (new date()).gettime());
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